AY2024_25_PSA Visit-25

MTM5001 – Visit to PSA Horizon and Guest Lecture by Mr. Ong Kim Pong

On 22nd August 2024, students from the MTM5001 course embarked on an insightful visit to PSA Horizon. The highlight of the day was an inspiring guest lecture by Mr. Ong Kim Pong, Group CEO of PSA, who shared his expertise and vision for the future of the maritime industry.

The visit included a guided tour of the PSA Innovation Centre and the Level 19 visitor gallery, where students observed the dynamic operations of shipping containers. The experience was enriched by the active participation of students, who engaged in thoughtful discussions and posed questions throughout the afternoon.

Accompanied by A/Prof Tan and the administrative staff of CMS, the students gained valuable insights into the cutting-edge innovations at PSA, making it a memorable and educational experience for all.

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